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The world of ICT and its impacts has been a driving opportunity of making our life easier and beneficial in terms of all aspects of life process and solution to some occurring problems of day-to-day situations and activities. 

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Millions to billions of people have been linked together by the internet and ICT devices (Smart devices) which has brought enormous benefits in terms of interacting, socializing, educating and transacting business easier with in a twinkle of an eye additional to other advantages.

Smart device technologies are a machine and tools that work hand to hand with the internet for problem-solving and all it includes smartphones, Laptop and personal computers (PC) etc.

The world at large has been hit by recession, Covid 19 pandemic, terrorism and war in some part of the world.

Nigeria and its citizen have been in serious financial crises due to the above-mentioned problems, that most citizens of Nigeria are crying for solution, questioning their minds,” How can we survive?", But to my surprise some of these people use smartphones of price range of N50000 - N200000 or more just to make call and receive messages aside the technological ad advantage of such phones which is unexplored. This situation has engineered my thought to write about ways we can make money through our smartphones and other ICT devices through the internet.

ICT skills and its tools, the internet and ICT devices (PC, Laptop, Smartphone, etc.) has given us opportunity of digital jobs that can be done online and offline and make a living from it, if smart and persistent about it. 

The ICT world has advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantage part of it is that some have the ability to use digital skills for fraudulent activities and or illegalities. This course will showcase and teach the;

“15 Practical legal ways, to make extra income” with ICT skills, devices and internet.

They are:

  • Creating YouTube Videos
  • Creating interesting Blogs
  • Enroll for Affiliate program
  • Designing a website for small scale business
  • Sign up freelancer gig (Work)
  • Test Websites and Apps.
  • Take surveys for money
  • Tutoring online (private tutor)
  • Become an Instagram influencer
  • Sell photography
  • Sell wares on Etsy
  • Sell Unused gift cards
  • Drive for Uber, Lyft
  • Digital complementary card designer
  • Dropshipping

Creating YouTube Video

Making money from social media such as YouTube whereby you create video clips that is related to a product or service, speaking about them for promotion. 

However, some educating videos can be uploaded on YouTube channels which is to educate or give tutorials about some solution or skills people want to learn and know, it might not be in any way related to a product or service, doing this type of video gives privilege to businesses, brands or individual to promote their services or products with such Video which can be paid for throughout running of the ads on the Video. 

Signing up with a Gmail account creating a YouTube Channel and applying for monetization of the channel videos are first, second and third steps is to get started to earn money uploading videos on YouTube Channel. By doing this you are giving YouTube the go ahead to add ads to the channel videos which will generate you a revenue for watch hour of the videos after you have reach the requirements of YouTube monetization console. Which is having 1000 people subscribing to the channel and 4000 watch hours.

Note: Uploading of interesting videos should be consistent.

    YouTube website: www.youtube.com

Creating Interesting Blog Contents

  • Create a Blog
  • Sign up your blog with AdSense
  • Drive high traffic to your Blog by publishing good contents.

Making money from a blog is one of the methods of content marketing, where by you select a Niche or well said a favorite topic you are versatile enough to write about. 

After selecting a niche that you can make an educating, motivating and interesting write-up about, you need to sign up for a blog with your Gmail account (if you don’t have, sign up for one) and register a domain name you want to be the URL address ended with blogpost.com (e.g. Mynoteoncloud.blogspot.com ).

After that you are good to start posting and publishing nice content on the Blog regularly. So, you are also good to go, to apply for monetizing your blog contents. But requirement state that for your blog to be approved for monetization, it must be six months visible online. 

Two steps you need to take for making money with your blog are:

  • Blog must be visible online for six months.
  • You must agree and read the Google AdSense policy to avoid violating it and apply for monetization of your Blog.

Online traffic means the counts of people (audience) viewing or reading your Blog contents, You must try to find a way for growing audience and directing them to visit and read your blog post either by organic or paid promotion. 

To get organic (unpaid traffic) is by sharing the blog post on social media (and other site) added with “Read More” linked with your blog URL address. 

This sharing serves as a way of creating high organic traffic to your site if you keep to posting interesting Blog contents. 

While paid promotion (Ads) which is paid traffic, is by paying for promoting your blog with search engine optimization and search engine marketing (e.g. google Ads) or by social media Ads (e.g. Facebook Ads) and other platform Ads.

Sign up your Blog with AdSense

The monetization takes place by signing up your Blog with Google AdSense with your information and URL address of the Blogs you created if not one, and start making money with the Blogs.

Note: You must have to meet the requirements of google AdSense.

If you can’t set up your account with google AdSense you can call an expert (Contact us) to help you. 

To create a free Blog, you can sign up with blogger (free account) on; Blogger

There are other sites for creating Blog, you can make a search on Google search engine for other Blog site.

Websites To Create Blog for Free;

Sign up your Blog with AdSense

Google AdSense website (sign up free account). 

Enroll for Affiliate Program 

You can start making extra sources of income by joining an affiliate program of any business or e-store online that offered Affiliate program.

What is Affiliate program?

Affiliate program is one of marketing program whereby an individual or business sign up an associate with a Company, other enterprise online in other to promote and sell their products or services in return of certain percentage on each product or service promoted or sell with an affiliate link or ID.

Signing up with any Affiliate membership program, the said Brand or Website will open up an account for you which you can explore their products, set up payment wallet and also give you an affiliate member ID or link that can be used to direct people from social media, online forum and other online platform to buy the product.  The Affiliate marketer can use organic or paid traffic to promote and sell the product. Some of these companies and website has their policy and requirements, make sure you read it on their page before you start marketing for them. There are many skills and ways to use affiliate link for promoting a product or website. I will make mention of two in this course.

They are:

1.  Sharing the affiliate link with an interesting social media (Facebook,         YouTube, Tweeter, Linked, Instagram) post. it’s can also be shared         with another site that you are good in using them.

2.  Sharing the Affiliate link on your Blog content. You can also promote      your Associate company or brand with your affiliate link embeds with      your Blog content. Writing a good content related or about the             service or product of the partner website can be of help in marketing      them. 

Make a search on Google search engine for more website and e-store that offers Affiliate program membership.

Some Website that offers Affiliate Program;

  • Amazon Associates
  • Jumia Affiliate
  • ShareAsale
  • FlexOffers
  • Fiverr affiliate
  • JVZoo Affiliate
  • ClickBank
  • ClickFunnels
  • eBay partners
  • Rakuten Marketing Affiliate
  • Solvid Affiliate
  • Lead pages partner program
  • TradeDoubler
  • Bluehost affiliates
  • Bigcommerce
  • Hostinger
  • Elementor
  • Cloudways
  • Hostgator
  • GreenGeeks

Design Website For Small Scale Business

You don’t need to wait to become a programmer or professional web designer before you start designing a website online. There are a lot of online DIY (Do it yourself) software for creating and designing a classic website for small scale businesses and get paid for your services. What you need first is to sign up with the site and master their designing tools and platform, then become a professional website designer. Doing this you can create blog and classic website for other businesses, individual and charge money for the services. What is needed to start making money to your bank is to start promoting your web design business on your social media and other online platforms and to small scale businesses office. You can also create a website for yourself for your prospective client to see what you can offer.

Some Online Design Website Creation Site

Freelancer Job Online

Who is a freelancer?

A freelancer is an individual who has learn one or more digital skills or can create a product or service that people find it needful or beneficial to them, most especially can be integrated with (IT) information technology. Having this beneficial skill that can be digitalized, may allow them to work for people using the internet and ICT devices (smartphones, laptops, PC) and get paid after the job is well done. 

This digital work is called gig on some of the websites that offer this opportunity.

Freelancer gig website are sites that serve as intermediary between a freelancer and other individual or company who need people (influencers) who can get their digital work done. 

To make money from the website you need to sign up an account with them by giving them your information, work (gigs) you can offer to company or people who need it. 

The freelancer gig sites has offer an online database of information and skill of freelancer recorded and also have an integration software on the website that allows freelancers to connect to other company who needs their services and get paid for it at different charges from the freelancers. The integration of both parties was achieved by creating an account for both the freelancers and (hirer) company. 

Every transaction is usually done on this platform, including payment so as to avoid scam and other of it likes. 

A freelancer on the site are ask to give samples of the works they have executed online before, which can give the freelancer upper hands over others. For example a web designer can site the website URL that he/she as designed before. 

Some Gigs Available On Freelancer Websites

  • Website designer
  • Graphics designer
  • Content writer
  • Researcher
  • Apps developer
  • Video editor
  • Data entry
  • Programing
  • Digital marketer
  • Influencer
  • Animation creator
  • Virtual assistant
  • Video creator
  • Translator
  • Social media manager, etc.

Tutoring online (Private Tutor)


The internet has made learning and teaching easier and faster. 

This opportunity can be harness to make money online. Convert your math, science, foreign language or test- preparation expertise into a lucrative side gig by becoming a private tutor. You can teach people online or in-person and get paid. 

The money you charge depend on your experience, expertise and what’s in demand. To get started see what types of tutors are needed on Craigslist or create a profile on site like Tutor.com or Care.com. 

Mind you! You can advertise your services at local schools and community center's too. To start your journey tutoring online and get paid. 

Sign up on this listed sites.

Websites For Online Tutor

Sell Photograph Online

Are you a graphic designer or photographer and have a library of photos, you are on the way to making money with your photos. 

You can turn your photos to cash via sites like Art America, which lets you upload your images to sell as prints on T-shirts, phone cases and more. 

Sites To Sell Your Photographs

Become an Instagram Influencer

Many companies are using Instagram influencers to help them represent and promote their product or services. 

Instagram influencers are people with large dedicated followings on the platform.You sign up as an influencer by applying for opportunities via a marketing platform like Open Influence or AspireQ, or by contacting the brands you want to work with. You can also make money on TikTok this way. 

It’s a competitive platform.

Influencers Marketing Platform (website)













Test Websites and Apps

Making money by testing websites or apps is another way of making money online, getting $10 - $120 pay for the service. The services include knowing your thought on “how well or not so well “ a certain website and apps worked. Before getting started you will have to sign up an account on the website .You will have to pass a short test

to be accepted, then you will be paid $10 for each 20 minute test, which involve a recording and answering four follow up written questions or you could earn up to $120 to participate in a video conversation with a customer.

Note: Requirement of the site

• You need a laptop or smartphone with tech gear and access the internet

• You must also be available for testing

Site Offering Websites & Apps Testing












Take surveys for Money

Taking survey can also earn you money online. Survey taking means answering some question and giving out your thought about something, product or other life activities and after this review you earn money out of it. Some survey website does not offer a big payoff but gives point or gift cards than money, which can be converted to money or used to buy goods online.

Websites That Offer Surveys
















Dropshipping is one of the ways to make money online with or without Capital if only you have a smart device ( Laptop, PC or smartphone) and access to internet. 


What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is one of the digital marketing skills whereby an individual signup a partnership with a reputable e-commerce store (e.g. Aliexpress, Amazon, etc.) in order to be able to sort for available selling product online, import it to is own store at wholesale price, promote and sell it at his/her own price and on online store or other online platform (e.g. social media, blog, website).The sorted and selected products will not be paid for instantly until sold out to customers .

As the dropshipper received alert of the transaction then will fulfil the order. Means the dropshipper quickly order the product form the wholesale store and process its delivery to the customer (buyer).

What you need to know before starting a drop shipping; you need to know the best.

website, since there are so many different choices. 

They are:

1. Which is the cheapest Dropshipping?
2. What website do I visit to find US-based dropshippers?
3. You also know the fee a website charges, whether it supplier         network is vast enough for operation and whether it’s                    platform is capable  synchronizing with your online store. I         will list out the website and tell you what kinds of suppliers          you can expect to find on their websites.

E-Commerce website for Dropshipping

1) Dsers-Aliexpress

2) Ecwid

3) SaleHoo 

4) Spocket

5) Wholesale2b

6) Wholesale central

7) Worldwide Brands 

8) Modalyst 

Design of Complementary Card

Most small scale businesses and artisans need a complementary card to promote their businesses. 

Some people also use it to share their contact. This is an opportunity for any entrepreneurs to look in to this and start making money out of it.
There are varieties of online and offline software that can be used easily to get the job done and you make some dough using your smartphone.
or computer system. We have many phone Apps on Playstore that you can download and install to make complementary card.
They have nice different readymade templates you can edit and you can also create your own design.
To download on your phone play store just search for “card maker” and many apps to design Card will be fetched to download. There are some website you can also create design on such as Canva.com.
Other Website For Designing Card

  • Canva
  • Photoshop app
  • Pixel app
  • Corel draw app

Follow mynoteoncould all other mention ways to make money online will surely be discussed.

if you need more compressive training on any of this mentioned and discussed ways of making money online contact us through whatsapp messege CLICK HERE

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