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Computer is an electronic machine that makes our work easier and faster.

Basic parts of the computer

  • Monitor
  • CPU
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse

Uses of the computer

  • Millions of task can be completed simultaneously with in second.
  • Learning is made easier using computer.
  • Communication is made easier and faster.
  • It is used to control other machines


Description of the 4 basic part of computer

1. Monitor: is an output device that displays processed data or                 information.

Types of monitor

  • CRT monitor : cathode ray tube
  • LCD monitor: liquid crystal display
  • LED monitor: light emitting diodes

Features of the monitor

  • Screen
  • Power button
  • Reset button
  • Monitor stand

Uses of the monitor

  • Monitor gives result (information).
  • It is used to project images.
  • It is used to display information.
  • It is used as video display unit (VDU)

2.  Mouse

A mouse is an input device used for sending data to the computer.

Part of the mouse

  • Right click
  • Left click
  • Scroll button

Uses of the mouse

  • The mouse is used to move cursor on the monitor screen.
  • It is used to click or select options on the screen etc.
  • It is used to drag object on the screen.
  • It can also be used to play game.

3. Keyboard : is one of the basic parts of the computer for forming words by            typing.

Types of keyboard

  • Multimedia keyboard
  • Mini keyboard
  • Standard keyboard

Features of the keyboard

  • Alphabetical keys
  • Numeric keys
  • Special keys
  • Arrow keys

Uses of the keyboard

  • To input data
  • To form words
  • To play games

4.  System unit: is also called CPU, it is a computer hardware designed with internal and external electronic device, used for processing data.

Uses of a system unit

  • It helps other computer part to work as a system.
  • It encloses all delicate parts of the computer hardware.
  • System unit processes input data and send information to the output device.
  • It performs calculation and transfer the result to the corresponding input and output device.

Types of system unit

  • Mini tower casing
  • Desktop casing

Features of the system unit

  • Internal features
  • External features

Internal features

  • Ram (Random, access memory )
  • ROM (Read only memory)
  • Processor
  • Data and power cable
  • Power box
  • Motherboard

External features

  • CD drive
  • DVD drive
  • Floppy drive
  • USB port
  • VGA port
  • Power button

Steps to put on a computer system

  • Press the power button. The computer system will automatically start cold booting till it displays the desktop page where icons are listed on the screen.

Step to shut down computer system

  • Locate the start button or setting button through the desktop screen
  • Right click on the shutdown button
  • The computer will automatically shutdown.

What is storage device?

Storage device are object used for storing and saving thing.

Type of storage device

Storage device are group into two

  • General storage device
  • Computer storage device 

General storage device

They are device used for storing electronic or none electronics materials and other valuable thing.


Example of General storage

  •  Bag
  •  Water bottle
  •  Cupboard
  •  Freezer etc 

Computer storage device

They are electronic device used to save data and information.

Example of Computer device

  • Flash drive
  • DVD  (digital video disc)
  • Memory card
  • CD (compact disc)
  • RAM (random access memory) 

What you need to know!

  • Inventor of Google is Larry Page
  • Inventor of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg
  • Inventor of Amazon is Jeff Bezos
  • Inventor of Microsoft is Bill Gate 

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