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Information and Communication Technology



Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

I simply information
C implies communication
T implies technology.

Therefore ICT is a science or study of inputting, processing data into information, storing information and giving it out as an output or result.

ICT can also be defined as the study of how information is conveyed from one medium to another using communication devices.

To break the three “ICT” terminology and define them.

can be defined as a result of processed data or processed data.
Communication can be said as a process of conveying information from one individual or place to another.
Technology is a study or Tool that makes Life easy. The tools are called communication devices. eg computer systems.

The world we live in today is also known as the information society during half of the twentieth-century information technology advanced from the first working electronic computers (in the late 1940s) to powerful, useful and often vital elements of many people's lives.

Impact of ICT

The growth of the internet has linked millions of people and organizations throughout the world.
Most of the appliances used every day are electronics and technology. e.g cars, washing machines, organizers, and smartphones.

ICT has enabled people to use ICT devices for a much wider range of applications.
ICT has changed how we pay for goods and services.
ICT has created specialized websites for selling and supporting their products and services.
ICT has made conveying information easily.
ICT has made processing and storing information easier.

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