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Data reselling business is a type of business that requires small amount of money to start and big amount of money to earn. You don’t have to think too much about how to start online data reselling business in Nigeria and how much is needed to start this data reselling business. Data reselling simply means purchasing internet data bundles in bulk from telecom companies (MTN, Airtel, GLO, etc.) and selling in smaller quantities to end-users just like with other commodities, when you buy more (in large quantity), the supplier offers you a discount. The same applies to data. When you buy data in bulk, the service operator sells to you at a lower price. You can get cheap internet bundles from data reselling companies; these companies purchase data in a large scale directly from the telecom companies and resell these data to you at an extremely cheap price. CLICK  HERE

Digital Marketing

This course gives insight and knowledge about the world of marketing and digital marketing with classic example of the domain. 

Before diving into the concept of digital marketing let discuss about the ground knowledge of it, which is marketing.

What is marketing?

Marketing can be defined as an art of promoting buying and selling of a product or service of an individual or company. It’s included advertising, selling and delivering products to consumers.  The founder of marketing Dr. Philip Kotler defines the term marketing as “the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit”.

Element Of Marketing

The 4Ps of marketing is known as element of marketing. 

These 4Ps need to be held in mind throughout the entire marketing process. They are;

  2. PRICE
  4. PLACE

Product: is what an individual or company has to produce and sell to consumers. The first step should be the question of “what to produce?”. The product that the person or company wants to sell that the consumer will want to buy.

The product should be unique and different in term of;

  • Design
  • Features
  • Brand Name
  • Product Variety
  • Quality
  • Services
  • Packaging
  • Returns etc.

Price: the price is how much the product or service cost, how much is to be charged by the company. There are many parameters that come into play when deciding on the price of the products. It depends on how much it cost to produce the item as well as advertising , distribution, over head costs and competitor pricing etc. 

Price in a lay man definition it is the amount you are willing to give for a product.

Promotion: it’s aims to serve two objectives. One, it informs the potential customers about your product and secondly, it persuades them to buy your product.

The main elements of promotion are:

  • Advertising
  • Personal Selling
  • Public Relations
  • Direct Marketing
  • Publicity- Social Media, Print, Etc.
  • Sales Promotion

Place: The physical distribution of products which deals with the transfer of ownership of the product from the manufacturer to the customer.

The margin of your product depends on how quickly you can turn over the goods.

The more fast the products reach the customer, the more likely are the chances of satisfying the customers and their loyalty.

Introduction To Digital Marketing

The word Digital Marketing first came in 2000.

But the research as made it known that digital marketing was with us from the past 100 year.

Gugliemo Marconi was the first Digital Marketer in history. He was the one that first invented Radio and while it takes about 10 years for the radio to reach the general public. It is sure didn’t take the creators long to realize they could use it to sell stuff!.

Eureka! Digital Marketing strategy was born. Digital Marketing is not all about smartphones, app, Facebook ads or blog because digital marketing is not all about internet marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is any form of marketing the products or services that involves electronic devices (radio, smartphones, TV, and other).

Digital marketing can be broadly broken into eight main categories including: 

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Email Marketing 
  4. Marketing Analytics 
  5. Mobile Marketing 
  6. Pay-per-click 
  7. Search engine optimization 
  8. Social media marketing.

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