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We have three major components of the computer system. 
This major component makes the computer system function and work as a system for retrieving and conveying information. 

They are:

1. Computer Hardware

2. Computer Software

3. Humanware

Hardware: The hardware is one of the components of the computer system. They are the electronic part of the computer that we can see and touch the allow the information to be entered (input) and retrieved (output).

Examples are Monitor, Joystick, printer,  projector, system unit etc.

Software: the software is also a component of the computer system but can not be seen or touched they are loaded into the computer system. Software can be defined as mathematical instructions or programs loaded and run on the computer system. It also controls all the hardware to perform different tasks. examples are; MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, CorelDraw and operating system software.

 We have two types of computer software and they are;

1. Application software

2. System software

Application software: They are programs installed by the user of the computer to get their work done. 

examples are:

1. Word processors

2. Game programs

3. Spreadsheets

4. Database system

5. Presentation program

6. Communication software, etc.

System software: this is a program installed by the manufacturer of a computer system to keep the hardware and application software running together smoothly. examples are;


Operating system

Programming Language software

People ware: These are also components of the computer system.

They are the people working with the computer system.


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