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Database is any organized collection of data e.g. Local directory and catalogue at the local library.


Computerized database is a collection of data which can be created and used in many different ways by means of a special computer software. The special computer software is called database software.

Database software are software that enables you to create and manage a database and they are called database management system.

Information can be retrieve in a database e.g. names, addresses, grades, phone numbers, salaries, sale figure, customers, examination scores, medical records. etc.

Database system is a record keeping system who’s overall purpose is to maintain information and to make the information available on demand.


  1. The database
  2. DBMS (database management system)
  3. Computer and hardware system

4 Users of the System

Database is usually organized around a specific theme or requirement for example.

  • Census database
  • Personnel data
  • Medical records
  • Examination processing
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Admission

Type of Database

  • Flat-file database
  • Relation database
  • Hierarchical database
  • Network database
  • Object oriented database

Flat-file database: uses a single table to store the entire data.

Relational database: uses multiple table to store data.

Example of Database management system is Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Access is a database management system designed to allow users to store and manipulate data stored in database and to retrieve information easily and quickly. It is a relational DBMS designed to run Microsoft Windows or Macintosh environment.

The basic component of a database program are called objects. 

These objects performs specific tasks.

Types of Object

Tables: it contains information about one subject.

Queries: is a way of asking questions about stored data in a table.

Forms: They are used to collect and organized information.

Report: A report provided a way to retrieve selected stored data and present that information effectively and meaningfully.

These object types enable you to respectively, create tables, formulate queries, design input forms and design output reports.

A Field: is a single column of information of the same type, such as people's names.

A Record: is a row of information in a table relating to single entry and comprising one or more fields.




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