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Definition of Storage Device & type of storage device

  1. General storage device
  2. Computer storage device
Examples of Storage Devices:
Uses of Storage Device
  • Storage device can be used to store different things
  • Storage devices are used to store music.
  • it can be used to store movies.
  • it can be used to store programs.
  • Storage devices are used to backup data.
  • They can be used to transfer data and information.
  • it can also be used to keep documents and files.

Differences between drives and storage devices

  •  Storage devices are used to store information while disk drives enable us use storage devices.
  •  Disk drives are mostly fixed in the system unit while most storage devices are not fixed in the system unit.
  •  Storage devices can be infected by virus while disk drives can not be infected by virus.

·   General Storage Devices are object or things for keeping items and materials.


·   Computer Storage Devices are electronic devices used for storing information. We can use storage device to store pictures, video and other documents. examples are:

  • CD (compact disc)
  • DVD (digital video disc)
  • Flash Drive
  • Floppy disk
  • Hard disk


Storage devices are clarified into two namely:

·   General Storage Devices are object or things for keeping items and materials.

Computer Storage Devices are electronic devices used for storing information. We can use storage device to store pictures, video and other documents.

  • CD (compact disc)
  • DVD (digital video disc)
  • Flash Drive
  • Floppy disk
  • Hard disk



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